The Photonovel Alliance


Bondo III; a cursed world. A world beyond redemption can only get worse.

It’s been 2 years since the outbreak. Although thousands were able to escape via space shuttles…

The millions left on the desolate world are without a means of escape. They are trapped with whats inside.

“We’ll find shelter here, then keep looking in the morning.” the human Padawan, S’ven Marloew decided.

“Sure thing, kid.” Rhic Grymz grumbled back.

After the two caught eyes on a corpse, Rhic stepped forward to take out the Downer.

“Let it go, Rhic,” S’ven countered…

“Look, it’s a clone wearing its helmet it can’t hard you.” S’ven pointed,

“It doesn’t matter to me what it’s wearing. It’s a Downer. They killed your master; my friend.” the human reminded,

“We don’t clear: we die…”

“We don’t die: we clear.”

The corpse squirmed in its own pool of blood, making chirping, teeth-grinding sounds following by a bone grinding screech.

Rhic stood over it like a shadow of death, as he was for dozens of the dead.

His dark blanket of death began to fall over the corpse…

S’ven stood their watching…

Rhic pulled the trigger…

…just as the Downer scrambled towards the survivor, the blast grazing the corpses shoulder.

The Downer fell onto its back grinding its teeth across its deteriorating jaw line…

Just then an emerald light saber blade brandishes across the neck of the Downer.

“I had it.” Rhic growled,

“You didn’t have to have it.” S’ven countered.

The two soul survivals found themselves glaring at each other. Rhic was angry, S’ven was emotionless.

“I don’t want…” S’ven stopped himself to correct his sentence,

We can’t butt heads at each other. We survive together that’s how it should be.” the young Jedi advised,

Rhic looked down at his feat. The boy was right and he knew it. The boy was just like his master.

“There’s another one,” S’ven whispered, his breath almost shaky, “I didn’t even sense it coming.”

There it was, just standing there. Nothing in the world to care for. It used to be someone. Now it is a mindless thing.

“Come on,” S’ven ordered, “I don’t know if there’s more, I can’t feel there presence.”

Then there was another.

“Down turn off your light saber,” Rhic mumbled, “too much noise.”

“Right. Head for those fallen wall pieces.”

Carefully and cautiously, the two survivors slowly trotted across the wreckage of what used to be a bridge.

“Careful, Rhic.” warned the Padawan as he made it first to safety.

“Working on it.” Rhic replied,

Then there was another Downer stumbling beside the other two that had partnered up. What had once been one was slowly becoming a horde.

For a moment, Rhic froze. His steps became slower, his sweat colder, and his muscles strained.

“Almost there.” Rhic stumbled,

At last he reached the temporary safe haven. S’ven crawled under the shelter, Rhic began to follow, but he found himself hesitating.

It was two years ago that everything here was normal. Buying a ticket and flying to another world was easier than pulling hair off a bantha. Now it’s finding a shuttle that has become the most difficult task on Bondo III.

Shaking his head as if tossing the thoughts from his mind, Rhic crawled under the shelter.

“S’ven,” Rhic whispered, “turn around…”

“…There’s more than three.”

S’ven found himself in a daze. The Force weighed down upon him, telling him what must be done.

“Stay here, Rhic.” S’ven demanded, followed by the stopping of Rhic’s heart.

“No. There’s no many, you can’t take them all.”

“Rhic, if we both go out there both of us will die. One of us has to go on. Find a shuttle, get back to Coruscant and tell the Republic what has happened.”

Rhic gave in to S’ven’s suggestion. He’ll miss the young padawan, maybe even as much as he’ll miss the padawan’s master.


Racing into the horde, his light saber like a green fan, S’ven ran through the corpses like a knife over paper.

“Hey over here!” S’ven cried out over the grumbling of the dead…

…gaining an audience of the cursed!

Twirling his light saber with swift speed, the padawan cut down one Downer after the other…

S’ven winced at the sight of blood spraying across the burocrete. But his blade did not falter. The emerald sword spinning in all directions with each moment a Downer crumbling to the ground.

“There is no emotion, there is peace!” S’ven growled…

Blood splattered against walls, “There is no ignorance, there is knowledge!”

Bodies fell, “There is no passion, there is serenity!”

The dead gathered in a chorus of growls, “There is no chaos, there is harmony!”

The cursed closed in, “There is no death…”

Just then a Downer snagged S’ven from behind pulling him to the ground as the many Downers closed in…

…But the Padawan persisted ramming his light saber into the soft skulls of the horde!

“There is no death…” S’ven strained once again,

“…There is the Force!”

Then they swarmed over S’ven like a cold blanket.

Then there was death.

The Force was absent.

The weak die…

The strong survive…

…and yet a part of the survivor dies in order to live.

“Goodbye, S’ven.”


<<  Chapter 1-16
Chapter 2-01Chapter 2-02
Brought to you by Zen Utaru
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