The Photonovel Alliance


On the former Separatist world Traapist, Imperial Magistrate Balfour has tightened his grip on the planet’s primary spaceport.

He dominates the population, unconcerned by the destitution that surrounds him.

The citizens are always under constant watch…

…as the impoverished wander the streets…

…and the homeless await the next handout from their Imperial warlord.

Much of the population exists in a state of despair…

…and tension mounts throughout the population…

…as many locals yearn for the days of the Confederacy of Independent Systems…

…while Imperial informants are everywhere.

In the shadows, a mysterious figure approaches a discrete astromech droid…

…who squeals with excitement once making visual contact with his master.

“R1-9, you were right about the Imperial contact. We’ve got him in custody,” Rykrof Enloe commends the droid.

“Now, get back to the ship and alert me if your scanners pick up any Imperials poking around the area.”

“This won’t take long.”

In a hidden warehouse, escaped Imperial prisoner Atracion approaches his captive…

…Imperial officer Nato Kevtin; who served aboard the Star Destroyer, Dantallion.

“Now, it’s time for you to start talking.”

The smug Imperial officer says nothing in response.

…and then begins to chuckle in defiance.

“You’re not going to live through this if you don’t cooperate,” Atracion warns.

“Where’s the Dantallion?”

“Good question,” Nato replies.

“Have you asked your friend here? He looks smart.”

“This isn’t a game,” Atracion snarls.

Just then, Rykrof enters the storehouse.

“He’s not talking,” Sarlo informs his friend.

“Do you know who I am?” Rykrof asks as he approaches the officer.

“Well, I’ll be… you’re alive…”

“Rykrof Enloe… traitor to the Empire.”

“Time’s running out here…”

“Where is the Dantallion stationed? Where’s Tylin Gere?

“That’s Baron Tylin Gere,” Nato sneers while turning back to Rykrof.

“You’ll make it through this if you share the Baron’s whereabouts,” Rykrof tells the man.

“Rykrof, we can’t take him with us. It’s too hot out there with so many Stormtroopers. And we need to get moving.”

“It looks like you’re going to leave here empty handed,” Nato smirks.

Long live the Empire.

“I’m sorry it has to be this way,” Rykrof laments.

“Wait, where are you going?” the officer asks nervously.

“You know, I used to get pleasure with this sort of thing,” Atracion groans as he moves in on the prisoner.

“It won’t be long before the Imperials realize this guy’s gone missing,” Rykrof warns.

“Let’s get the hell out of here.”

The group then exits the chamber…

…while outside, business continues as usual.

But tensions on the streets are high, and some are looking for any excuse to start a fight.

Meanwhile, Officer Kevtin has missed his check in…

…prompting the Magistrate to order his men to begin lockdown procedures.

His troops run into one very unhappy resident…

…a massive Ketrillian, who stands before the squad, bellowing in anger!

He lunges at the troops…

…overpowering several members of the squad!

“Blast that thing!”

“Kill it!”

The massive alien collapses in defeat!

With unrest spreading, the entire garrison is mobilized…

…as citizens flee to their homes!

Searching building by building, the Imperial forces have been alerted to suspicious activity in a warehouse on the outskirts of the city…

…including the Magistrate himself.

“Sir, you’re going to want to see this.”

“We’ve found him…”

“…or, what’s left of him.”

“Savages!” Magistrate Balfour exclaims.

“Conduct a full investigation of the premises and question every citizen who was within two kilometers of this warehouse today…”

“…and restrict any ships from leaving the city…”

“…I want a full report on my desk by 0600 hours tomorrow.”

Meanwhile, Rykrof and his team approach their ship.

“Everything looks clear,” Sarlo observes.

“Let’s go before this area gets locked down!”

“Beep beep!” R1-9 squeaks in excitement.

“Things didn’t work out here,” Rykrof frowns.

“…but tomorrow’s another day.”

The group narrowly avoids Imperial detection before blasting into hyperspace!

<<  Chapter 18
Chapter 19  
Brought to you by Chewie

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